West Pasco Community

Juneteenth Celebration by The African

 American Club in West Pasco

The 2011 Juneteenth Celebration sponsored by The African American Club was a mixture of Music art dance and fellowship and just a tad bit of education. Free food was provided thanks to generous donations by  local vendors and businesses. Hundreds of people came out to the Juneteenth Celebration, a family event, marking the arrival of Union troops in Galveston, Texas, on June 18, 1865, to enforce the slavery abolishing Emancipation Proclamation. Activities for the kids included an inflatable bounce house and face painting. The Dorsett Singers entertained and Hip-hop artist Nylahz performed and then gave a motivational speech. Health screenings and a car wash were all part of the festivities. The event was held at the historic Booker T. Washington school building, a relic of racial segregation in Pasco County public education, dating back to 1924. It is now home to the African American Club. The African American Club not only is seeking landmark status with a historical marker at the former schoolhouse building, but also national recognition for the entire historical community along Pine Hill Road. The African American Club is developing its own website, http://aacpasco.org/ according to Larnelle Scott, president of the African American Club of Pasco and wished to thank Scott and Sondra Hatchett, the Juneteenth celebration chair, for providing a spark for the club. "It's really become re-energized," Daniel Callaghan, a spokesman for the club, said.


June 18, 2011

Runners from all over our Area ran

to raise money for a great cause
Rap River Run in New Port Richey
Runners from all over our Area ran to raise money for a great cause, The Runaway Alternatives Project (RAP) House is located in New Port Richey and is open to youths ages 10-17 who are runaway, homeless or in need of a short- term out of home respite placement for any reason. The RAP House also accepts youth who are in need of an emergency shelter placement due to abuse and/or neglect and for youth in foster care who have experienced a disruption in their foster placement. Shelter services are provided for up to fourteen days.  http://www.rapriverrun.com/aboutraphouse.html
Sertoma Speech & Hearing Foundation holds battery giveaway

New Port Richey, FL  - Sertoma Speech & Hearing Foundation held a battery giveaway. Sertoma volunteers, Betty Kempf and Peggy Maceda, helped set up for the day’s giveaway offering free hearing aid batteries while they lasted. Sizes available included 10, 13, 312 and 675 -- the most common battery sizes. Fourteen people took advantage of the offer. The Foundation also held a drawing for a Walmart gift card and the winner was Evelyn Silva.  
Hearing Loss  is the most common birth defect nationally. Early detection and intervention  is vital for an infant to have the opportunity to access speech and other  sounds for learning and brain development. The Sertoma Speech & Hearing  Foundation of Florida assists hard of hearing babies and children to hear the  world around them so they can succeed personally, academically and  socially. 
The mission of the Sertoma Speech & Hearing  Foundation of Florida is to provide quality  developmental and  rehabilitative services, products and education--primarily to  children--throughout Florida, in a caring and  compassionate environment,  never limited by the ability to pay





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